Knit-n-Crochet on Sunday, October 18, 2015 10:15:00 PM
Necklace Class: This is one of our most popular and addicting classes. Join Doris as she teaches you how to create a beautiful necklace using Dazzle Metalic yarn. You can't make just one! The class is offered on Monday October 12th from 2-4pm, and again on Thursday, October 29th from 2-4pm. The cost is $10.00.

Fair Isles Cowl Class: Join Sherry as she teaches you how to make a cowl in Fair Isles. These cowls are fun to knit and make wonderful gifts. Best of all, you get to play with color! This class is October 27th and November 3rd from 11:30-1:30. The cost is $25.00. This class has homework that needs to be completed before the first class.

Entrelac Scarf Class: Sherry is again teaching the Entrelac scarf class. Make this interestingly constructed scarf by learning to knit backwards. Learning this technique is something that you will be able to carry with you in future knitted projects. The class meets November 17th and December 1st. This class is $25.
Top-down Sock Class: Join Linda Jo as she once again teaches this ever popular class. The class meets 4 times (Oct. 26, Nov. 2, 9, and 16) from 2-4 pm. The class is $45.00.